Becky has been on her healing journey since 2013 when she began a deep dive with God into the pain and wounds of her past. She has been intentionally on a healing journey reclaiming herself as God intended her to be ever since. She didn’t know the lift she now has the relationship with Jesus she now has was even possible before. She loves walking alongside people in their pain and brokenness to be a listening ear, someone who can hear their story and help them feel seen, known, cared for, and heard.
Becky has served as a Caregiver at many Healing Care Seminars, assisted in the revision of the Healing Care Group Curriculum, and as a participant in the Certificate in Formational Prayer. For Becky there is nothing more sacred than holding space with people on their journey.
Education & Qualifications:
BS Finance, Louisiana Tech University
MBA, University of Dayton
Certified Professional Coach, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
ADHD Coaching Courses, ADD Coach Academy
Stephen Ministry Training
Certificate in Formational Prayer, Healing Care Ministries